Thursday 15 April 2010

Project 2: Week 1- painting

New York Movie, 1939
Oil on canvas, 81.9 x 101.9 cm
Collection, The Museum of
Modern Art, New York
Painted by Edward Hopper

The 1939 New York Movie offers a parallel to this picture.
The space is obviously divided in two space and the portion of the canvas is dwarfed by the monumentality  of the interior, with its proscenium, its ornate ceiling and lighting, the columns and drapes, the passage and stairs. It is energized interior; the very dynamism of its design is a stark contrast to the torpor of the actress at right. The actress seems as absorbed in a world of her own. Her isolation is reinforced by the perspective of the composition, which directs our attention firstly to the wall that divides the cinema auditorium from the exit, and then to the fact that from where she is standing the actress cannot see the screen.

Thursday 8 April 2010

Final submission for Project 1-----The Model


Final submission for Project 1-----Poche

Poche Drawing 1:100

Villa Can Feliz

The form of Utzon’s Can Feliz is evolved by its topography. The building was created to chase the contours of the landscape. My poche drawing intends to relate to this sort of feeling. It expresses a sense of mergence between the building and its landscape. In this way, the contour lines are rendered and reinforced on the background to involve this idea. On the other hand, the section drawings are followed to become parts of these contour lines that minimized the separation between a section and a plan drawing. The overall layout describes a feeling of flowing from top right to bottom left, which shares the essence of the slope of the mountain.

Final submission for project 1----Parti

The parti drawings embody the basic scheme or concept of an architectural design. 

For the Can Feliz project, Utzon designed from the topography. The house needed to follow the slope of the mountain. Utzon chose this landscape due to its greatest force that the house can fit-in the countryside in the best way. The idea how the house go with the shape of the mountain was real considered. 
To follow the slope of the house, the circulation of the house is also designed to meet the different views of the mountain.